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2019년 독일 베를린 모차르트 국제콩쿨 입상자

작성일 : 2019-05-08 12:46:56 조회 : 1,378

The six jurors of the 2nd Mozart International Competition in Berlin (2019)

nominated the following prize winners with the highest points. 

Piano Senior (1 Prize) Ivan GALIĆ

Violin Senior (1 Prize) Jaram KIM

Cello Senior (
1 Prize) Seonghyun PARK

Kontrabass Senior (1 Prize) Lisabet SEIBOLT

Voice Senior (1 Prize) Yu-jeong AN

Voice Senior (1 Prize) Byung-Jun KIM

Piano Senior  (2 Prize) Seul-A  JEON

Violin Senior  (2 Prize) Yula KIM

Cello Senior  (2 Prize)  Tita Marucha PESATA


Piano Senior (3 Prize)  Soo-min AHN

Violin Senior (3 Prize) Radu Mihai ROPOTAN





1. Prize - 1500 Euro (Ivan GALIĆ
highest point in the six 1st prizes)

2. Prize - 1000 Euro (Yula KIM highest point in the three 2nd prizes)

3. Prize - 500 Euro (Radu Mihai Ropotan in the two 3rd prizes)


Prize winners in the different instrument categories. 

Violin Junior

1. Prizenot nominated

2. Prize – not nominated

3. Prize – Suhyeon AN, Seo Won JANG

Violin Senior

1. Prize - Jaram KIM

2. Prize – Yula KIM

3. Prize - Radu Mihai ROPOTAN

Cello Youngster

1. Prize – Jion LEE

2. Prize – not nominated

3. Prize – not nominated

Cello Junior – not nominated

Cello Senior

1. Prize – Seonghyun PARK

2. Prize – Tita Marucha PESATA

3. Prize – not nominated

Kontrabass Senior

1. Prize – Lisabet SEIBOLT

2. Prize – not nominated

3. Prize – not nominated

Voice Senior

1. Prize – Byung Jun KIM, Yujeong AN

Piano Youngster

1. Prize – Yumin CHO

2. Prize – Seohyun PARK, Nayeon KIM

3. Prize – Jeongseo WOO, Yewon KIM

Piano Junior

1. Prize – Jiyun YEON

2. Prize – Seojun LIM

3. Prize – Yunji HA

Piano Senior

1. Prize – Ivan GALIC

2. Prize – Seul A JEON

3. Prize – Soomin AHN

The list of prize winners 
for 1rd Mozart International competition in Berlin (2017)

■ Finalists 
● 1st prize: Evgeny Konnov (Piano,Russia) 
● 2nd prize: Seonghyeon Park (V.Cello, Korea) 
● 3rd prize: Anna Dorthea Mutterer (Violin, Germany) 
● 4th prize: 2 persons 
    Jose Alberto del Cerro (Piano,Spain) 
    Jose Vicente Riquelme Ros (Piano, Spain) 
● 5th prize: Hyejin Park (Violin,Korea) 
● 6th prize: Mina Lee (Piano, Koera) 

■ Junior (under 18 years old) 
● 1st prize: nothing 
● 2nd prize: Jieun Song (Violin, Korea) 
● 3rd prize: Seju Yu (Violin,Korea ) 

■ Youngster (under 10 years-old ) 
● 1st prize(special): Inseo Han (Violin, Korea) 

■ Chamber Music 
● Viola Trio 
Special prize: Jungsuk Jung (Korea) 
Ji Eun Lee (Korea) 
Suyeon Choe (Korea) 

■ A few figures of Special prize for solo Piano and solo Violin.